I am the New Evangelization

“The New Evangelization” is a term that is becoming popular and more recognized by the public within the Catholic Church.

The phrase is commonly associated with the late pope, Blessed, soon to be Saint John Paul the Great.

He made these three words resound within the hearts of young people, attracting them to a new call of evangelization. A call to revamp the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church and apply them to today’s culture in society.

In a sense, to “bring the old into the new”. To be traditional, yet progressive.

John Paul wanted us to cross the barriers between different persons, ethnicities, and cultures. After all, the word “Catholic” means “universal” derived from the ancient language of Latin.

Universal, or all. The Catholic Church calls everyone to be in union with her. Never again is there such a thing as being cookie-cut into a Catholic.

Yes, everyone still follows the teachings, traditions, and doctrine of the Church, but you don’t have to look a certain way, act a certain way, or be the same as everyone else.

As I said in the beginning of this post, the New Evangelization is breaking down the barriers of what stereotyped the Catholic Church.

No longer is there just one way to pray, or one way to express yourself as a Catholic Christian.

We may be one Body of Christ, but we are many parts, equally cherished and valued under the eyes of our Father, our Lord.


What about me?

I consider myself the 2nd phase of the New Evangelization. The first phase taking place during the 1990s.

The whole idea of bringing the Old into the New and combining the two, make a better and stronger faith in my opinion.

I consider myself a traditionalist for the following reasons

  • I set a time for prayer every day.
  • I attend Mass on Sundays and throughout the week.
  • I follow the 10 Commandments.
  • I believe the husband should be the bread winner and the wife should be the homemaker.
  • I wear a scapular, a rosary, and another rosary on my belt
  • And everything else that’s formal and well, old 

Here are the reasons that I consider myself a progressive

  • I like to have crazy hairstyles (foe-hawks, long hair, and buzzed-in designs)
  • My favorite music is hip-hop, rap, and country, yes country music!
  • I like to wear an assortment of styles, not just one (country, athletic, skater, hood)
  • I like to cook, clean, and take care of children.
  • I’m an American, who is ethnically Asian, but culturally White and Hispanic.
  • And of whole bunch of other stuff

In conclusion, you combine these two categories of myself and you have the New Evangelization.

I love my God and my Bible, but just the same I love the new age culture.

About rebuilderofjerusalem

A man that tries to live a good Christian life. View all posts by rebuilderofjerusalem

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